Go Time

50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:
L Pull-ups
Double unders
Glute Ham Sit-ups
Back Extensions

Post time to comments.


Clay said...

42:59 as Rxd. This WOD embarassed me. I got to get faster at L PUs and DUs.

Crossfit Little Rock said...

Had to Sub some things, but guys worked hard...
Ty 37:40
Joe 32:35
Mark 34:11
David 41:30(ran 400s btwn each set)
Tyler 41:00

Go run tonight and post your times and distances.

TJ said...
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TJ said...

After about a year of doing crossfit, I can say that this WOD was one of the top 5 toughtest ever.

ballparking out my warmup, it took me about 45 minutes and I had to change L pullups to regular after the first set