CrossFit Total

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Post total to comments

Finally, GAME DAY....Roll Tide!!!


Douglas said...
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Douglas said...

Sorry about the delete...hit enter before I put the total.
Squat - 280#
SP - 145#
DL - 325#

Total - 750#

Clay said...

500 barely broke novice for my bodyweight(135) BS 175 SP 115 DL 210

Justin G. said...

605, but shy of Novice for my bw of 197. BS 200 SP 155 DL 250. My first CFT, WILL do better next time around.

Fred said...

BS - 275 (Tie PR)
SP - 155
DL - 305 (PR)

Total - 735 (PR)

Fred said...

Just checked my workout history since I started doing Crossfit regularly in January 07. My first CFT was 585# on 2/28/07. My bodyweight then was 196#.

My bodyweight today is 187# (up a few pounds from mid-summer) and my CFT was 735# yesterday. This stuff really works if you stick with it and don't mind being sore all the time.

Douglas said...

What is novice for 175# 26yr. old? Just curious...I've increased around 50# each time. Thanks.

Clay said...


follow this link to find the section in Crossfits faq that covers CFT rankings

Douglas said...
