
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Post time to comments


Crossfit Little Rock said...

Joe 27:50
Mark 29:00
David,well timed trip.

mark said...

this was terrible...David, if your not getting better, your getting worse!

Unknown said...

revisiting Elizabeth, James suggested to me that when doing mass amounts of an O-lift, one can vary the depth so as to maintain good form. ex: Quarter squat, parallel, and then low throughout. I still lift but at varying degrees of difficulty to accomodate my skill level. Just a suggestion. Drew NLR

Fred said...

Appreciate it, Drew. I'll try that next time. Thank James for me. Hope all is well at NLRAC.

Today's WOD - 39:26. Used 35# DB for swings and 25# ball for wallball (didn't have a 20#). KTE and Burpees were my time killers.

Clay said...

32:05 as Rxd
I about fell out as soon as I finished the DU, and Fred your right about the burpees they seemed almost impossible.

My wife Cody (55:33) hit with me today this was the first WOD I ever attempted as well as hers back in March over at NLR athletic club with Fred and Bryan I guess it is kind of a milestone. We will have to hit a WOD together again sometime Fred, I ll even bring Bryan if hes not scared.

Ty said...

42:25 used 35# DB for swings, 15# ball for wallball and 20" box for jumps. Great WOD.

Douglas said...

35# DB for swings, flat bench for box jumps, and 20# DB thrusters for wall balls...


Knees to elbows was my undoing. Kudos to you sub-30minute guys.

Justin G. said...

As Rx'd 57:28. Don't know why I sucked at this one so hard, but that's a horrible time.