
For time:
100 Squats
5 Muscle-ups
75 Squats
10 Muscle-ups
50 Squats
15 Muscle-ups
25 Squats
20 Muscle-ups

Post time to comments


Clay said...

22:23 as Rx'd. First set of MUs was unbroken( new PR) after that they got a bit scattered. Jason must of been a very bad man to have this named after him.

Justin G. said...

52:40 following the RX'd WoD, yet replacing muscle ups with 4 chin ups and 4 dips for every muscle up. Only did 20 of each on the last set. This was a killer...

Fred said...


subbed 1 ring dip and 3 PUs for each muscle up.

Crossfit Little Rock said...

Subbed 1 Muscle up with 1 dip/1 pull up....
Mark 15:00
Joe 14:50
Justin 16:31
David 15:45

Justin said...

Thanks for the opportunity to come and work out with you guys. I had fun and learned some new stuff in the warm up/down that I can take back to the group at work.

I look forward to coming and doing another WOD with you guys soon.