
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

Post time to comments


Fred said...

Michael - As rx'd but didn't anchor feet for situps and paid more attention to form on situps and back extensions - 30:23. Made a huge difference in time. Last time (9/19) - 23:16.

Todays - 50 ring dips, 400m, 50 PUs, 400m, 50 HSPU (subbed 30" elevated PUs), 400m = 23:20.

Last time (8/1/07) with HSPUs (but bad form) - 39:42. I remember only being able to complete 1 rep of HSPUs at a time for the last dozen.

Fred said...

Clay - heard you had a pretty serious back injury. What's the prognosis?

Crossfit Little Rock said...

Subbed 3 min TM for 800
Tessa 19:42
Dawn 17:00

Clay said...

nothing to serious I think I am just waiting on some xrays so I can be sure its just muscles and tendons. Be back soon, I am just taking it easy on core work this week Doc said I should "stop being stupid"