First Muscle Up...

Crossfit Little Rock's original got his first muscle up on the rings today....well done Fred.


Unknown said...

Good job, Fred. This is mark from Tyler. I am two weeks into it and man I can tell a difference! keep it up!

Clay said...

Way to go Fred thats a good feeling. Are you the same Fred from NLR Athletic Club that used to workout with Brian?

Fred said...

Thanks, guys. Clay - same Fred. Spoken with but haven't seen Brian since he got back from Ranger school. Hope to see him and you soon. He tells me you are crushing the CF workouts.

Grit - Let me know if you and Janna need a place to stay on your way to Nash-Vegas. If you can stop, we'll get Clay and some other guys and hit it hard. Maybe have a mini-Crossfit Games.

I subbed 3 PU and 3 dips for today's workout. Made it through 5 rounds + 16 PUs.